Romeo, a good-hearted guy who considers himself to be a great “Casanova,“ is let out of the madhouse for a trial period. His cousin, Leon Karfis, suggests that he should go on holiday to an island...
The film is based on the novel of the same name by Nikos Kasdaglis and deals with the experiences of a group of soldiers during their military service in 1953, four years after the civil war. We are t...
A crook, Kouvis, tries, with the help of an audacious underworld character, Ntimis, to fix a race at the track by blackmailing a jockey, but to no effect. After Kouvis’ murder, Ntimis forces the dea...
In order to secure money for the production of his first film, a young man asks help from a film producer. The producer, however, was involved with pornographic films, and now his main business is dru...